Monday, May 4, 2009

Final submission images (without textures) and there explanations.

This is The ramp system leading to Nobels 2 main workshops. It conveys my elec. quotation in that the striving for the ideas is ultimately meaningless, shown by the isolation of the workshops.

Note the intricate ramp system here leading to the pit , Cousteaus workshop can be seen after the ramp, it is the top right 'negative' in the wall. This relates to Cousteaus quote in 'the wastefulness', the transition from an unworried green to a deeply troubled red is reminiscint of the finality and impact of pollution. The pit being deep also symbolises how it is meaningless; a relation to my electro agregation quote. Also i made Cousteaus workshop quite tricky to get to (the entry is not obvious) to highlight his frustration at mans wasteful nature.

This is Nobels 'underground' workshop; it tries to convey the mass amounts of thought going through ones head before the idea finally rises, hence its location at the bottom. It is also somewhat larger than his other workshops to indicate the 'mass' of thinking. The windows represent an exit of ideas, the large one being the 'big' idea. Its relation to the electroaggregation quote is that it is structurally level with the pit; this whole process is a farce, non more so that at the industrious and difficult brainstorm beginning.

This is the pit in full flow, all the ramps leading down to it are shown, its depth highlighted by the transition of colour ( which are explained earlier). The use of shadow and non light is also in effect here, giving more depth again to the pit. The greens illusion of safety combined with the real danger of the red give this whole structure meaning.

This is the whole view of Nobels area, topped by the meeting place with its two private rooms and large space in the cliff surrounded by a natural green light, giving it electrofluid meaning.
The two floating workshops and the bottom one can be seen interacting. The use of multiple workshops alludes to the idea of the many ideas that are the theme to Nobels quote. The use of blue light also highlights wisdom and calm; essential to intelligence. The metallic rustic surfaces also represent wisdom combined with clinical thinking.

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